Online Average Calculator

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Average Calculator

Calculates Average/Median/Mode/Standard deviation:



The average of 1,2,5 is:

Average = (1+2+5) / 3 = 2.667


Here we discuss list of online math calculators that help us for doing calculation easily.

Average Calculator

The Average Calculator is used to calculate the average value of any set of numbers.The term average has a number of different meanings. Most generally, it is a single number that is used to represent a collection of numbers. In the context of mathematics, "average" refers to the mean, specifically, the arithmetic mean. It is a relatively simple statistical concept that is widely used in many areas.

The average (arithmetic mean) is equal to the sum of the n numbers divided by n:

Average = sum / count = (a1+a2+...+an) / n


The average of 1,2,5 is:

Average = (1+2+5) / 3 = 2.667

How to Calculate Average?

The average of a set of numbers is simply the sum of the numbers divided by the total number of values in the set. For example, suppose we want the average of 24,55, 17, 87 and 100. Simply find the sum of the numbers: 24 + 55 + 17 + 87 + 100 = 283 and divide by 5to get 56.6. A simple problem such as this one can be done by hand without too much trouble, but, for more complex numbers involving many decimal places, it is more convenient to use this calculator. Note that the mean rating calculator does a similar math - it calculates an average rating given the number of votes with values from 1 to 5.

What Does the Term ‘Average’ Mean?

When people describe the ‘average’ of a group of numbers, they often refer to the arithmetic mean. This is one out of 3 different types of average, which include median and mode.

In conversational terms, most people just say ‘average’ when they’re really referring to the mean. Arithmetic mean and average are synonymous words which are used interchangeably.

It’s calculated by adding the numbers in a set and dividing it by the total number in the set—which is what most people do when they’re finding the average. See the example below.


Set: 8, 12, 9, 7, 13, 10

Mean = (8 + 12 + 9 + 7 + 13 + 10) / 6

= 59 / 6

= 9.83

The average or arithmetic mean in this example is 9.83.


The median, on the other hand, is another type of average that represents the middle number in an ordered sequence of numbers. This works by ordering a sequence of numbers (in ascending order) then determining the number which occurs at the middle of the set. See the example below.

Average Median

Set: 22, 26, 29, 33, 39, 40, 42, 47, 53

In this example, 39 is the median or middle value in the set.


The mode is basically the most frequent value that repeats itself in a set of values. For instance, if your set has 21, 9, 14, 3, 11, 33, 5, 9, 16, 21, 5, 9, what is the mode?

The answer is 9 because this value is repeated 3 times.

In statistics, mean, median, and mode are all terms used to measure central tendency in a sample data.

Is average better than mode?

There is no easy answer to whether the average is better than the mode - it depends entirely on the data set in front of you. If the data is normally distributed, has no outliers, then you should probably use the average, as it will present you with the most representative value. The mode, however, is more robust, and will present the most common value, regardless of any outliers. The mode should always be used with categorical data - that is, data with distinct groups - as the groups are not continuous.

What is better, average or median?

Whether you should use the average or the median will depend on the data you are analysing. If the data is normally distributed, has no outliers, then you should probably use the average, although the value will be quite similar to that for the median. If the data is heavily skewed, the median should be used as it is less effected by outliers.

Online Math Calculators

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