Online Ampere-hours to coulombs conversion

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Ampere-hours to coulombs conversion

Ampere-hours (Ah) to coulombs (C)

Ampere-hours to coulombs calculator

Enter the electrical charge in ampere-hours and press the Convert button:

Coulombs result: C

Coulombs to Ah conversion calculator ►

Ampere-hours to coulombs

A coulomb is the charge transported by a constant current of one ampere in a period of one second. An ampere-hour the transport of one ampere of current over a period of three-thousand six-hundred seconds. 1 Ampere-hour = 3600 coulomb. 1 A·h = 3600 C. Charge transported by a constant current of one ampere per second. Coulomb is the SI base unit of electric charge.

To convert an ampere-hour measurement to a coulomb measurement, multiply the electric charge by the conversion ratio.

Since one ampere-hour is equal to 3,600 coulombs, you can use this simple formula to convert:

coulombs = ampere-hours × 3,600

The electric charge in coulombs is equal to the ampere-hours multiplied by 3,600.

For example, here's how to convert 5 ampere-hours to coulombs using the formula above.

5 Ah = (5 × 3,600) = 18,000 C

How Many Coulombs are in an Ampere-hour?

There are 3,600 coulombs in an ampere-hour, which is why we use this value in the formula above.

1 Ah = 3,600 C

Ampere-hours and coulombs are both units used to measure electric charge. Keep reading to learn more about each unit of measure.


One ampere-hour is the electric charge equal to the charge conveyed by a current of one ampere for one hour. One ampere-hour is equal to 3,600 coulombs.

The ampere-hour is a non-SI metric unit for electric charge. An ampere-hour is sometimes also referred to as an amp-hour. Ampere-hours are usually abbreviated as Ah, although the formally adopted expression is A·h. The abbreviation A h is also sometimes used. For example, 1 ampere-hour can be written as 1 Ah, 1 A·h, or 1 A h.

In formal expressions, the centered dot (·) or space is used to separate units used to indicate multiplication in an expression and to avoid conflicting prefixes being misinterpreted as a unit symbol.


One coulomb is the electric charge equal to one ampere of current over one second.

The coulomb can be expressed as QC = IA × ts

The charge in coulombs is equal to the current in amperes times the time in seconds.

The coulomb is the SI derived unit for electric charge in the metric system. Coulombs can be abbreviated as C; for example, 1 coulomb can be written as 1 C.


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