Online keV to eV conversion

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keV to eV conversion

Kiloelectron-volts (keV) to electron-volts (eV) conversion calculator and how to convert.

keV to eV conversion calculator

keV to eV, energy conversion calculator.

Enter the energy in kiloelectron-volts and press the Convert button:

Result in electron-volts: eV

eV to keV conversion ►

keV to eV

Kiloelectronvolts can be abbreviated as keV; as an example, 1 kiloelectronvolt may be written as 1 keV.

The electronvolt is a unit of electricity utilized in physics, most generally in electrostatic particle accelerator sciences.

Electronvolts can be abbreviated as eV; as an instance, 1 electronvolt may be written as 1 eV.

Energy in electronvolts may be expressed the usage of the following method: E = qV

The strength E in electronvolts is same to the electric price q in simple price instances the capability difference V in volts.

How to transform keV to eV

One kiloelectron-volt is identical to one thousand electron-volts:

1keV = 1000eV

The electricity in electron-volts E(eV) is same to the energy in kiloelectron-volts E(keV) times a thousand:


= E(keV) × one thousand


Convert 5keV to eV:

E(eV) = 5keV × a thousand = 5000eV


eV to keV conversion ►

Online Energy Calculators

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Energy Calculators