Online Percent to ppm Conversion

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Percent to ppm Conversion

Percent to ppm conversion calculator

Percent to parts-per million (ppm), number conversion calculator.

Enter a number in percent and press the Convert button:

ppm result: ppm

Percent to PPM

The Percent to PPM Converter is used to convert percent to ppm (parts-per-million).PPM is used in the measurement of a small level of pollutants such as air, water, body fluids, etc. Use Percent to PPM conversion calculator to convert values from molecular weight percent to parts per million. Enter the weight percentage (%) in weight to PPM converter to know the equivalent ppm.

What is PPM?

PPM, or parts-per-million, is a way of expressing very dilute concentrations of substances. One part per million (ppm) denotes one part per 1,000,000 parts, one part in 106, and a value of 1 × 10−6.

Percent to PPM Conversion Formula

To convert from percent to ppm, use the following conversion equation:

1% = 10000ppm

How to convert percent to ppm

1% = 10000ppm


x(ppm) = 10000 ⋅ x(%)


Find how many ppm are in 1.7%.

x(ppm) = 10000 ⋅ 1.7% = 17000ppm

Online Number Calculators

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