Online Percent to fraction conversion

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Percent to fraction conversion

Fraction view:
Fraction result:

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How to convert percent to fraction

  1. Divide the percent by 100 to get decimal number.
  2. Count the number of digits (d) to the right of the decimal point of the decimal number.

    Example: 2.56 has 2 digits to the right of the decimal point, so d=2.

  3. Calculate the factor (f) for making the decimal number an integer:

    f = 10d


    f = 102 = 100

  4. Multiply and divide the decimal number x by the factor f:

    x × f / f  =  y / f


    2.56 × 100 / 100 = 256 / 100

  5. Find the greatest common divisor (gcd) of the fraction.


    gcd(256,100) = 4

  6. Reduce the fraction by dividing the numerator and denominator by the gcd value:


    256 / 100 = (256/4) / (100/4) = 64/25


One percent is equal to one hundredth:

1% = 1/100

So in order to convert percent to fraction, divide the percent by 100% and reduce the fraction.

For example 56% is equal to 56/100 with gcd=4 is equal to 14/25:

56% = 56/100 = 14/25

Percent to Fraction

Percent and fractions are usually used in our daily life to relate and compare quantity. For example, we use percentage or percent to rank in class, comparing marks and performance. In simple words, the percent is a way of expressing a fraction of 100 by number.This online calculator converts a percent to a fraction. If the percent value is greater than 100% it is converted into a mixed number fraction. Enter percents to convert them into fractions. The number you enter can also have decimal places as in 3.5% or 0.625%.

To convert a percent to a fraction you first convert the percent to a decimal then use the same procedure as converting a decimal to fraction.

How to Convert a Percent to Fraction

1. Divide the percentage by 100 to get a decimal number.

2. Use that number as the numerator (top) of a fraction. Put a 1 in the denominator (bottom) of the fraction.

3. Convert the decimal to a whole number: Count how many places are to the right of the decimal. If you have x decimal places then multiply numerator and denominator by 10x.

4. Reduce the fraction: Find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of the numerator and denominator and reduce the fraction by dividing both numerator and denominator by the GCF.

5. Simplify the remaining fraction to a mixed number fraction if possible.


One percent is equal to one hundredth:

1% = 1/100

So in order to convert percent to fraction, divide the percent by 100% and reduce the fraction.

For example 56% is equal to 56/100 with gcd=4 is equal to 14/25:

56% = 56/100 = 14/25


Fraction to percent conversion ►


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