Online ppm to ppb conversion

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ppm to ppb conversion

How to convert ppm to ppb

ppm and ppb are defined as:

1ppm = 1/106 = 10-6

1ppb = 1/109 = 10-9


1ppm = 1000ppb

The number of parts-per billion xppb is equal to the number of parts-per million xppm multiplied by 1000:

xppb = xppm ⋅ 1000


Example: 7ppm is equal to 7000ppb:

xppb = 7ppm ⋅ 1000 = 7000ppb

ppm to ppb conversion calculator

ppb result: ppb


PPM stands for parts of gas per million parts of air, and PPB is parts per billion. If that's not easy to imagine, try these examples:

Part per million (ppm):

1 second in just under 2 weeks.

1 litre of water in a swimming pool.

Part per billion (ppb):

1 second in 32 years.

1 ml of water in a swimming pool (that's about the size of a sugar cube).

ppm to ppb conversion table

ppm ppb
0.001 1
0.01 10
0.1 100
1 1000
10 10000
100 100000
1000 1000000
10000 10000000

How to convert ppm to ppb

ppm and ppb are defined as:

1ppm = 1/106 = 10-6

1ppb = 1/109 = 10-9


1ppm = 1000ppb

The number of parts-per billion xppb is equal to the number of parts-per million xppm multiplied by 1000:

xppb = xppm ⋅ 1000


7ppm is equal to 7000ppb:

xppb = 7ppm ⋅ 1000 = 7000ppb


ppb to ppm conversion ►


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