Online Byte converter

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Byte Kilobyte Mb Gb

1 Byte = 8 Bits
1 Kilobyte (kb) = 1024 Bytes
1 Megabyte (Mb) = 1048576 Bytes
1 Gigabyte (Gb) = 1073741824 Bytes
1 Terabyte (Tb) = 1024 Gb = 1099511627776 Bytes
1 Petabyte (Pb) = 1024 Tb = 1125899906842624 Bytes


Byte Converter::.


A byte converter is a device used to convert devices of information between distinctive measurements. The fundamental unit of facts in computing is the byte, that is a unit of digital records that includes 8 bits. Here is a few facts approximately converting bytes to different commonplace devices of records:

  • Kilobyte (KB): A kilobyte is equal to at least one,000 bytes. To convert bytes to kilobytes, divide the quantity of bytes by using 1,000.
  • Megabyte (MB): A megabyte is identical to at least one,000 kilobytes or one million bytes. To convert bytes to megabytes, divide the quantity of bytes with the aid of a million.
  • Gigabyte (GB): A gigabyte is equal to at least one,000 megabytes or one million kilobytes or a million,000 bytes. To convert bytes to gigabytes, divide the range of bytes by using one million,000.
  • Terabyte (TB): A terabyte is same to at least one,000 gigabytes or one million megabytes or 1,000,000,000 kilobytes or one million,000,000 bytes. To convert bytes to terabytes, divide the quantity of bytes by 1,000,000,000,000.
  • Petabyte (PB): A petabyte is identical to at least one,000 terabytes or a million gigabytes or a million,000 megabytes or a million,000,000 kilobytes or one million,000,000,000 bytes.