Online Ethereum unit converter

Ether or ETH is often used in different denominations of its currency, such as Wei for interacting with smart contracts and Gwei for calculating gas prices. Use our Unit Converter to easily convert.

Ether is the cryptocurrency used within the blockchain network Ethereum. But you might not know that Ether comprises unique subdenominations, many named for influential players in the worlds of compsci, crypto and cyberphunk.

Our Unit Converter instantly converts a given value and shows its equivalent in all the other different unit demoninations.

An Ether can be converted into 11 different units. The smallest unit in value is Wei, followed by Kwei, Mwei, Gwei, Szabo, Finney, Ether, KEther, MEther, GEther, and finally TEther in this exact order. Each unit is 10^3 (or 3 decimals) apart from the unit next to it. This means that 1 Wei is one thousandth (1/1000) of Kwei, 1 Kwei is one thousandth of Mwei, 1 Mwei is one thousandth of Gwei, and so on.