🎨 SVG Converter

Convert .svg to .png .jpeg .ico like a breeze 💨

📥 Click or Drag SVG File Here

↔️ Width
↕️ Height

Create an ICO image from a variety of source formats with this online ICO converter.If you want to create a favicon.ico, you only have to set the size to 16x16 pixel with this tool. We currently support the following formats to convert your image to ICO.

ICO file format refers to an image file format that contains small size computer icon images. Mostly used in Microsoft Windows ICO format is capable of containing one or multiple small images of multiples sizes and color depths. Multiple sizes of the ICO images allow icons to be scaled appropriately.

The ICO file format is an image file format for computer icons in Microsoft Windows. ICO files contain one or more small images at multiple sizes and color depths, such that they may be scaled appropriately. In Windows, all executables that display an icon to the user, on the desktop, in the Start Menu, or in Windows Explorer, must carry the icon in ICO format.

A single ICO file consists of one or more than one small images of multiple sizes and colour depths. The presence of images of multiple sizes is for appropriate scaling at different screen resolutions. All values in ICO/CUR files are represented in little-endian byte order.