Metric / Imperial Unit Conversion

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Length (Metre/Feet)

0 Metres | 0 Feet

Volume (Litres/Gallons)

0 gallons | 0 liters

Mass (Kilograms/Pounds)

0 pounds| 0 kilos

The metric system is a system of measurement used in the United Kingdom and almost any country around the world. One of the few countries that don’t use the metric system is the United States.

The metric system uses measurements that we often see every day. These are used to measure length, weight and capacity. You’ll often see these as grams, kilograms, millimetres, centimetres, metres, millilitres and litres.

. You’ll often see these as grams, kilograms, millimetres, centimetres, metres, millilitres and litres.

The metric system is used all around the world because it is easy to understand. It uses tens, hundreds and thousands. This means it's a lot easier to understand, so converting weights and lengths isn’t as hard to do.

Our current form of the metric system is the most modern one. It’s the only system of measurement that is official in nearly every country in the world. This is important as it is also known as the International System of Units, abbreviated to SI. Having a standard unit of measurement is important so that everyone can understand each other. If a friend tells you they’re travelling 80 miles, or baking a cake that’s 800 grams, then you know what they mean.

What are the metric units of measurement?

Here’s some of the most common units of measurement in the metric system:

  • Metres: Used to measure length. For example, centimetres for small lengths and kilometres for really long measurements.
  • Grams: Used for measuring weight. This could be kilograms, milligrams or just the normal gram.
  • Litres: Used for measuring capacity. You’ll see this with liquids, it could be litres, millilitres or even kilolitres.

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