What is the Full Form of PNR ?

PNR meaning in hindi PNR मीनिंग इन हिंदी

PNR मतलब क्या होता है

PNR Full Form in Hindi – PNR क्या है और इसका फुल फॉर्म | आज के इस पोस्ट में हम PNR के बारे में जानकारी देने वाले है तो इसे पूरा जरूर पढ़े।

PNR full form and What is PNR? Full form of PNR and its meaning in text. Tell me the information on the abbreviation PNR. For what PNR is stands for, abbreviation or definitions and full name.

Do you want to know What does PNR mean? What is the full form of PNR ?. Are you looking for What does PNR mean? Are you looking for What does PNR mean? What is the full form of PNR? What is PNR stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation,

PNR - Passenger Name Record

Passenger Name Record is a record of a passenger, or a group of passengers traveling together through a Train or a Flight. After entering the required details, the information is saved in the Computer Reservation System (CRS) system, and a unique alpha-numeric record locator is generated, which will remain the same regardless of any further changes made database.

Information needed before entering a PNR :

  • Name of the passenger(s)
  • Contact details of airline office or a train reservation office or an Agent
  • Complete information of at least one passenger
  • Ticketing details - Fare details, Destination, Source, Age, Name etc.
  • Name of the person providing the information

The most popular CRS companies used to store PNR information are :

  • Amadeus
  • Sabre
  • Worldspan
  • Galileo

Conclusion -

As you can see in this article we have shared the Full Form Of PNR with all the meanings. We have shared many PNR full forms in this article according to the need. If you like our efforts please share them with your friends to spread the knowledge.