Morse code to text translator

Translates Morse code into text.

Enter your Morse code with dots ., dashes - and  /  for spaces.

Additional information

Morse code is a technique for sending message data as a progression of on-off tones, lights, or snaps that can be straightforwardly figured out by a gifted audience or spectator without extraordinary gear. The Global Morse Code encodes the ISO fundamental Latin letter set, a few additional Latin letters, the Arabic numerals and a little arrangement of accentuation and procedural transmissions (prosigns) as normalized successions of short and long transmissions called "specks" and "runs", or "dits" and "dahs", as in beginner radio practice. Since numerous non-English regular dialects utilize more than the 26 Roman letters, expansions to the Morse letter set exist for those dialects.

Morse code can be retained and sent in a structure distinguishable to the human detects, for example by means of sound waves or apparent light, with the end goal that it very well may be straightforwardly deciphered by people prepared in the skill.Morse code is normally sent by on-off scratching of a data conveying medium like electric flow, radio waves, noticeable light, or sound waves. The current or wave is available during the time span of the dit or dah and missing during the time among dits and dahs.

To increment the productivity of encoding, Morse code was planned so the length of every image is around converse to the recurrence of event of the person that it addresses in text of the English language. In this manner the most well-known letter in English, the letter e, has the briefest code: a solitary dit. Since the Morse code components are indicated by extent as opposed to explicit time spans, the code is generally sent at the most noteworthy rate that the collector is fit for deciphering. Morse code transmission rate (speed) is determined in bunches each moment, normally alluded to as words per minute.