What is the Full Form of CMI ?

Carmelites of Mary Immaculate    >>   Community

Caribbean Meteorological Institute    >>   Ocean Science
Cannot Make It    >>   Texting
Consumer Medication Information    >>   Hospitals
Commerce Management Interface    >>   International Business
Chicago Musical Instruments    >>   Firms
California Modified Imports    >>   Firms
Cleartone Musical Instruments    >>   Firms
Club Management Institute    >>   Non-Profit Organizations

Consumer Medicine Information    >>   Hospitals
Computer Managed Instruction    >>   Educational
Case Mix Index    >>   Hospitals
Cold Meat Industry    >>   Food
CAPI Messaging Interface    >>   Software
Certified Medical Illustrator    >>   Occupation & Positions
Certified Mechanical Inspector    >>   Occupation & Positions
Clobber Monitor Immediate    >>   Assembly
University of Illinois Willard Airport, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois USA    >>   Airport Codes
Consumer Marketing Initiative    >>   General
C M I Corporation of Oklahoma    >>   NYSE Symbols
Chicago Music Industries    >>   Firms
California Microwave Incorporated    >>   Firms
California Microwave Incorporated    >>   Electronics
Christliche Musik Initiative    >>   Religion
Creating Memorable Images    >>   Firms
Component Model Infrastructure    >>   Hardware
Confederation Military Intelligence    >>   Science Fiction
Cruel Memory Institution    >>   Funnies
Corvair Minnesota, Inc.     >>   Firms
Container Marketing Inc    >>   Unclassified
Clay Mathematics Institute    >>   Unclassified
Cuadro de Mando Integral    >>   Unclassified
Computer Music Instrument    >>   Unclassified
Certified Master Inspector    >>   Unclassified
Collagen Meniscus Implant    >>   Unclassified
Competitive Manufacturing Initiative    >>   Unclassified
Communications Media Inc    >>   Unclassified
Conditional Mutual Information    >>   Unclassified
Creation Ministries International    >>   Unclassified
Management Inc    >>   Unclassified

Can Manufacturers Institute    >>   Unclassified
Content Marketing Institute    >>   Unclassified
Carbon Mitigation Initiative    >>   Unclassified
Certified Master Inspector    >>   Unclassified
Cleaning Management Institute    >>   Unclassified
Collaborative Managed Inventory    >>   Unclassified

Council-certified Microbial Investigator    >>   Occupation & Positions
Champaign Airport code. Willard Airport. Illinois, USA.     >>   International
Cell mediated Immunity    >>   Academic & Science         

Computer Musical Instrument    >>   Unclassified
Configuration Management Inc    >>   Unclassified
Cell Mediated Immunity    >>   Oncology
ChessMates, Inc., Newark, New Jersey    >>   Chess
CMI, LTD.     >>   ASX Symbols

cell mediated immunity    >>   Physiology

cell mediated immunity - Cell-intervened invulnerability is an insusceptible reaction that doesn't include antibodies. Rather, cell-intervened resistance is the actuation of phagocytes, antigen-explicit cytotoxic T-lymphocytes, and the arrival of different cytokines in light of an antigen.In the late nineteenth century Hippocratic custom medication framework, the safe framework was envisioned into two branches: humoral invulnerability, for which the defensive capability of vaccination could be tracked down in the humor (without cell natural liquid or serum) and cell insusceptibility, for which the defensive capability of inoculation was related with cells. CD4 cells or aide Lymphocytes give security against various microorganisms. Credulous Immune system microorganisms, which are juvenile Lymphocytes that still can't seem to experience an antigen, are changed over into initiated effector White blood cells in the wake of experiencing antigen-introducing cells (APCs). These APCs, like macrophages, dendritic cells, and B cells in certain conditions, load antigenic peptides onto the significant histocompatibility complex (MHC) of the cell, thusly introducing the peptide to receptors on Lymphocytes. The most significant of these APCs are exceptionally specific dendritic cells; possibly working exclusively to ingest and introduce antigens.[1] Enacted effector Lymphocytes can be put into three working classes, distinguishing peptide antigens starting from different sorts of microorganism: The top of the line being 1) Cytotoxic Lymphocytes, which kill contaminated target cellsAll type 1 cells start their improvement from the normal lymphoid ancestor (CLp) which then separates to turn into the normal intrinsic lymphoid forebear (CILp) and the lymphocyte ancestor (Tp) through the course of lymphopoiesis.