Full Forms of Indian Bank Name |
Sr. No. | Short Form | Full Form |
1 |
Reserve Bank of India |
2 |
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development |
3 |
State Bank of India |
4 | IDFC | Infrastructure Development Finance Company |
5 | DCB | Development Credit Bank |
6 |
Punjab & Sind Bank |
7 |
Industrial Development Bank of India |
8 |
Housing Development and Finance Corporation |
9 |
Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited |
10 |
Punjab National Bank |
11 |
Bank of India |
12 |
United Bank of India |
13 |
Union Bank of India |
14 |
Bank of Baroda |
15 |
Bank of Maharashtra |
16 |
Indian Overseas Bank |
17 |
United Commercial Bank |
18 |
Central Bank of India |
19 |
Oriental Bank of Commerce |
20 |
Bank of Rajasthan |
21 |
City Union Bank |
22 |
Catholic Syrian Bank |
23 |
ING Vysya Bank |
24 |
Karur Vysya Bank |
25 |
Lakshmi Vilas Bank |
26 |
South Indian Bank |
27 |
Export-Import Bank |
28 |
Industrial Investment Bank of India |
29 |
Small Industries Development Bank of India |
30 |
National Housing Bank |
Sr. No. | Short Name | Full Form |
1 | 2FA | Two Factor Authentication |
2 | A&AS | Account & Audit Section |
3 | ABEDA | Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa. |
4 | ACF | Auto Correlation Function. |
5 | ACLF | Additional Collateralised Lending Facility |
6 | ACS | Automated Clearing Systm. |
7 | AD | Authorized Dealer. |
8 | ADB | Asian Development Bank. |
9 | ADF | Automated Data Flow |
10 | ADR | American Depository Receipt. |
11 | ADTV | Average Daily Trading Volume |
12 | AEPS | Aadhaar Enabled Payments Switch |
13 | AFS | Annual Financial Statement. |
14 | AGM | Annual General Meeting. |
15 | AIC | Agricultural Insurance Company. |
16 | AIDBs | All India Development Banks |
17 | AIF | Alternative Investment Fund |
18 | AIFIs | All India Financial Institutions |
19 | ALCO | Asset Liability Committee |
20 | ALM | Asset Liability Management |
21 | AMEX | American Express |
22 | AMFL | Association of Mutual Funds in India. |
23 | AML | Anti-Money Laundering |
24 | AMRMS | Audit and Risk Monitoring Mechanism |
25 | ANBC | Adjusted Net Bank Credit |
26 | ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
27 | APACS | Association of Payment and Clearing Services |
28 | APBS | Aadhaar Payment Bridge System |
29 | APSFC | andhra Pradesh State Financial Corporation |
30 | ARC | Asset Reconstruction Companies |
31 | ARCIL | Asset Reconstruction Company of India Limited |
32 | ARCs | Asset Reconstruction Companies |
33 | ASBA | Applications Supported Bank Accounts |
34 | ASSOCHAM | Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India. |
35 | ATM | Automated Teller Machine. |
36 | BACS | Bankers Automated Clearing System |
37 | BBR | Bank Base Rate |
38 | BCBS | Basel Committee on Banking Supervision |
39 | BCP | Branch Credit Plan |
40 | BCSBI | Banking Codes and Standards Board of India |
41 | BFS | Board of Financial Supervision |
42 | BIS | Bank for International Settlements. |
43 | BLBC | Block-Level Bankers Committee |
44 | BO | Banking Ombudsman |
45 | BOB | Bank of Baroda. |
46 | BOD | Board of Directors |
47 | BOE | Bill of Exchange |
48 | BOI | Bank of India. |
49 | BOP | Balance of Payments. |
50 | BOR | Bank of Rajasthan. |
51 | BOT | Build,Operate and Transfer. |
52 | BPC | Benefits Processing Corp |
53 | BPLR | Benchmark Prime Lending Rate |
54 | BR Act | Banking Regulations Act, 1949. |
55 | BSCS | Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. |
56 | BSE | Bombay Stock Exchange. |
57 | BSR | Basic Statistical Returns. |
58 | CA | Chartered Accountant. |
59 | CAAP | Capital Adequacy Assessment Process |
60 | CAD | Current Account Deficit |
61 | CAG | Controller and Auditor General. |
62 | CAMELS | Capital, Assets, Management, Earnings, Liquidity, and Systems and Control |
63 | CAR | Capital Adequacy Ratio |
64 | CARE | Credit Analysis and Research Limited |
65 | CASA | Current and Savings Accounts |
66 | CB | Canara Bank. |
67 | CBI | Common Bank of India |
68 | CBLO | Collateralized Bank Lending Obligations |
69 | CBS | Core Banking Solution. |
70 | CBS Challan | Core Banking Solution |
71 | CBT | Computer-Based Terminal |
72 | CC | Cash Credit |
73 | CCB | Central Co-operative Bank |
74 | CCIL | Clearing Corporation of India Limited |
75 | CCL | Cash Credit Limit |
76 | CD | Certificate of Deposit |
77 | CD Ratio | Credit Deposit Ratio |
78 | CDB | Caribbean Development Bank. |
79 | CDBS | Committee of Direction on Banking Statistics. |
80 | CDR | Corporate Debt Restructuring |
81 | CDRS | Corporate Debt Restructuring |
82 | CDS | Credit Default Swap. |
83 | CED | Centre For Entrepreneurship Development |
84 | CEPA | Comprehensive Economic Partnership Management. |
85 | CFMS | Centralised Funds Management System |
86 | CFRA | Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts. |
87 | CFS | Committee on The Financial System |
88 | CGRA | Currency and Gold Revaluation Account. |
89 | CHAPS | Clearing House Automated Payment System |
90 | CIBIL | Credit Information Bureau of India Limited |
91 | CLB | Company Law Board |
92 | CLF | Collateralised Lending Facility |
93 | CMA | Collateral Management Agreement |
94 | CMIS | Currency Management Information System |
95 | CMP | Current Market Price |
96 | CNP | Card Not Present |
97 | COB | Corporation Bank. |
98 | CP | Colombo Plan. |
99 | CPFF | Commercial Paper Funding Facility |
100 | CPI | Consumer Price Index. |
101 | CPs | Commercial Papers |
102 | CRAR | Capital To Risk Weighted Asset Ratio. |
103 | CRILC | Central Repository of Information on Large Credits |
104 | CRISIL | Credit Rating Information Services Of India |
105 | CRM | Customer Relationship Management |
106 | CRMD | Credit Risk Management Department. |
107 | CRR | Cash Reserve Ratio. |
108 | CSGLA | Constituent’s Subsidiary General Ledger Account |
109 | CSR | corporate social responsibility |
110 | CTI | Country Threat Index. |
111 | CUB | City Union Bank |
112 | DB | Dena Bank. |
113 | DCCB | District Central Cooperative Banks |
114 | DCP | District Credit Plan |
115 | DD | Demand Draft |
116 | DDM | District Development Manager |
117 | DFI | Development Financial Institutions |
118 | DFID | Department For International Development |
119 | DICGC | Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation |
120 | DIR | Differential Interest Rate |
121 | DNPD | Derivatives and New Products Departments |
122 | DPG | Deferred Payment Guarantee |
123 | DPN | Demand Promissory Note |
124 | DPs | Depository Participants |
125 | DR! | Beneficiaries of Differential Interest Rate |
126 | DRAT | Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal |
127 | DRI | Differential Rate Of Interest |
128 | DRT | Debt Recovery Tribunals |
129 | DSCR | Debt Service Coverage Ratio |
130 | DTAA | Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement. |
131 | EADB | East African Development Bank. |
132 | EBRD | European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. |
133 | ECB | External Commercial Borrowings. |
134 | ECD | European Central Bank |
135 | ECS | Electronic Clearing System. |
136 | ED | Enforcement Directorate |
137 | EDF | Export Development Fund |
138 | EDI | Electronic Data Internchange |
139 | EDP | Entrepreneurship Development Programme |
140 | EEFC | Exchange Earners’ Foreign Currency |
141 | EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer |
142 | EFTPOS | Electronic Funds Transfer At Point Of Sale |
143 | EIB | European Investment Bank. |
144 | ELSS | Equity Linked Saving Scheme. |
145 | EMI | Equated Monthly Instalments |
146 | EPFO | Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation |
147 | EPOS | Electronic Point Of Sale |
148 | EPS | Earning per Share |
149 | ESOP | Employee Stock Options |
150 | ETFs | Exchange Traded Funds |
151 | EXIM | Export Import Bank of India. |
152 | EXIM Bank | Export Import Bank of India |
153 | FATF | FERA Financial Action Task Force |
154 | FCA | Foreign Currency Assets. |
155 | FCCB | Foreign Currency Convertible Bond |
156 | FCD | Fully Convertible Debentures |
157 | FCNR | Foreign Currency Non Resident Deposit Accounts |
158 | FCNRA | Foreign Currency Non resident Account. |
159 | FD | Fixed Deposit |
160 | FDI | Fixed Deposit Income |
161 | FEDAI | Foreign Exchange Dealers Association Of India |
162 | FEMA | Foreign Exchange Management Act |
163 | FERA | Foreign Exchange Regulation Act. |
164 | FFA | Federal Financial Assistance |
165 | FFB | Federal Financing Bank |
166 | FICCI | Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry. |
167 | FII | Foreign Institutional Investor. |
168 | FIMMDA | Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India |
169 | FINO | Financial Information Network and Operation Limited |
170 | FIPB | Foreign Investment Promotion Board. |
171 | Fls | Financial Institutions |
172 | FOB | Free On Board |
173 | FPI | Foreign Portfolio Investment. |
174 | FRB | Federal Reserve Bank |
175 | FRNs | Floating Rate Notes |
176 | FRO | Foreigners Registration officer |
177 | FRRO | Foreigners Regional Registration officer |
178 | FSRASC | Financial Sector Regulatory Appointment Search Committee |
179 | FSS | Financial Software Systems |
180 | FTA | Free Trade Agreement. |
181 | GAAR | General Anti Avoidance Rule. |
182 | GDCF | Gross Domestic Capital Formation |
183 | GDP | Gross Domestic Product |
184 | GDR | Global Depository Receipt. |
185 | GFD | Gross Fiscal Deficit. |
186 | GIPSA | General Insurance Public Sector Association |
187 | GIRO | Government Internal Revenue Order. |
188 | GlC | General Insurance Corporation of India |
189 | GMS | Gold Monetisation Scheme |
190 | GST | Goods and Services Tax |
191 | GSTN | Goods and Services Network |
192 | GSTPA | Global Straight Through Processing Association |
193 | HDFC | Housing Development Finance Corporation. |
194 | HFCs | Housing Finance Companies |
195 | HPFC | Himachal Pradesh Financial Corporation |
197 | HUDCO | Housing and Urban Development Corporation |
198 | IADB | Inter American Development Bank. |
199 | IAS | Integrated Accounting Systems |
200 | IBA | Indian Bank Association |
201 | IBBI | Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India |
202 | IBPS | Institute of Banking Personnel Selection. |
203 | IBRD | International Bank for Reconstruction and Development |
204 | IBS | International Banking Statistics |
205 | IBU | International Banking Unit |
206 | ICA | Indian Council of Agricultural Research. |
207 | ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organisation |
208 | ICC | Integrated Circuit Card |
210 | ICICI | Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India. |
211 | ICRA | Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency of India Limited |
212 | IDB | Islamic Development Bank. |
213 | IDBI | Industrial Development Bank of India. |
214 | IDFC | Infrastructure Development Finance Company Limited |
215 | IDR | Indian Depository Receipts. |
216 | IDRBT | Institute for Development and Research Of Banking |
217 | IEPF | Investors Education and Protection Fund |
218 | IFC | International Finance Corporation |
220 | IFSC | Indian Financial System Code |
221 | IIB | International Investment Bank. |
222 | IIBF | Indian Institute of Banking and Finance. |
223 | IIBI | Industrial Investment Bank of India |
224 | IIBM | Indian Institute of Bank Management |
225 | IIFCL | India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited |
226 | IIFT | Indian Institute of Foreign Trade |
227 | IIP | Index of Industrial Production |
228 | IMD | India Millennium Deposits. |
229 | IMF | International Monetary Fund. |
230 | IMPS | Immediate Payment Service |
231 | IMT | Instant Money Transfer |
232 | INFINET | Indian Financial Network |
233 | IOB | Indian Overseas Bank. |
234 | IP | Internet Provider |
235 | IPO | Initial Public Offer |
236 | IPPB | India Post Payments Bank |
237 | IPSS | Integrated Payment and Settlement System |
238 | IRa | Industrial Reconstruction Corporation of India Limited |
239 | IRBI | Industrial Reconstruction Bank Of India. |
240 | IRDA | Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India |
241 | IRDP | Integrated Rural Development Programme |
242 | IRE | Internal Rating Based |
243 | IROs | Interest rate options |
244 | IRR | Internal Rate Of Return. |
245 | ISCI | International Standard Industrial Classification |
246 | ISIN | International Securities Identification Number |
247 | ISO | International Standard Organisation |
248 | IVP | Indira Vikas Patra |
249 | JCB | Japan Credit Bureau |
250 | JLGs | Joint Liability Groups |
251 | KCC | Kisan Credit Card |
252 | KMB | Kotak Mahindra Bank. |
253 | KVB | Karur Vysya Bank. |
254 | KVIC | Khadi and Village Industries Corporation |
255 | KVP | Kisan Vikas Patra |
256 | KYC | Know Your Customer Guidelines |
257 | LAB | Local Area Bank. |
258 | LAF | Liquidity Adjustment Facility |
259 | LAMPS | Large Sized Adivasi Multipurpose Societies |
260 | LAN | Local Area Network |
261 | LAS | Loan & Advances by States |
262 | LBD | Land Development Bank |
263 | LBS | Locational Banking Statistics |
264 | LDB | Land Development Bank. |
265 | LERMS | Liberalized Exchange Rate Management System |
266 | LETS | Local Exchange Trading Systems |
267 | lIB I | Industrial Investment Bank of India Limited |
268 | LIBOR | London Inter Bank Offered Rate. |
269 | LIC | Life Insurance Corporation Of India |
270 | LOC | Lines of Credit |
271 | LTCG | Long-Term Capital Gains |
272 | LTF | Long-Term Finance |
273 | LTN | Long Term Note |
274 | M&As | Mergers and Acquisitions |
275 | MBFC | Mutual Benefit Financial Company |
276 | MCA | Ministry Of Company Affairs |
277 | MCLR | Marginal Cost Of Lending Rate |
278 | MEDP | Multinational Design Evaluation Progrrame |
279 | MFDF | Micro Finance Development Fund |
280 | MFIs | Micro-Financial Institutions |
281 | MIBOR | Mumbai Inter Bank Offer Rate. |
282 | MICR | Magnetic Ink Character Recognition |
283 | MIRSD | Market Intermediaries Registration and Supervision Department |
284 | MIS | Management Information System |
285 | MNBCs | Miscellaneous Non-Banking Companies |
286 | MPBF | Maximum Permissible Bank Finance |
287 | MRD | Market Regnlation Department |
288 | MSS | Market Stabilisation Scheme |
289 | MTN | Medium Term Note |
290 | MTNs | Medium-Term Notes |
291 | MUDRA | Micro Units Development And Refinance Agency |
292 | NABARD | National Bank For Agricultural And Rural Development. |
293 | NAFCUB | National Federation of Urban Cooperative Banks and Credit Societies |
294 | NAFED | National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation |
295 | NAS | National Account Statistics. |
296 | NAV | Net Asset Value. |
297 | NBC | Non Banking Companies. |
298 | NBFC | Non Banking Finance Companies |
299 | NBFCs | Non-Bank Financial Companies |
300 | NCAER | National Council of Applied Economic Research |
301 | NCC | National Clearing Cells |
302 | NCMC | National Common Mobility Card |
303 | NCS | Network Computing System |
304 | NDA | Net Domestic Asset |
305 | NDC | Non-Dues Certificate |
306 | NDS | Negotiated Dealing Systems |
307 | NDSAP | National Data Sharing and Accessibility Policy |
308 | NDTL | Net Demand And Time Liability |
309 | NECS | National Electronic Clearing System |
310 | NEFT | National Electronic Funds Transfer System. |
311 | NFA | No Frills Account. |
312 | NFC | Non Banking Finance Companies. |
313 | NFS | National Financial Switch |
314 | NGO | Non-Governmental Organisation |
315 | NHB | National Housing Bank. |
316 | NIB | Nordic Investment Bank. |
317 | NIl | Net Interest Income |
318 | Nof | Net Owned Funds |
319 | NPA | Non Performing Assets. |
320 | NPAs | Non-Performing Assets |
321 | NPCI | National Payments Corporation Of India |
322 | NPLM | Non-Performing Loan Management |
323 | NPS | National Pensions Scheme. |
324 | NPV | Net Present Value |
325 | NRE | Non Resident External Account |
326 | NRI | Non Resident Indian |
327 | NRNR | Non-Resident Non-Repatriable Term Deposit Account |
328 | NRO | Non-Resident Ordinary Account |
329 | NRSR | Non-Resident (Special) Rupee Account |
330 | NSE | National Stock Exchange. |
331 | NSFDC | National Scheduled Castes Finance And Development Corporation |
332 | NSIC | National Small Industries Corporation |
333 | NSS | National Savings Scheme |
334 | OBC | Oriental Bank of Commerce |
335 | OBE | Off-Balance Sheet Exposures |
336 | OBUs | Offshore Banking Units |
337 | OCB | Overseas Corporate Bodies |
338 | OD | Overdraft |
339 | ODIs | Offshore/Overseas Derivative Instruments |
340 | OECD | Organisation For Economic Cooperation And Development |
341 | OFCS | Offshore Financial Centers |
342 | OLTAS | Online Tax Accounting System |
343 | OMO | Open Market Operations |
344 | OTCEI | Over the Counter Exchange Of India |
345 | OTP | One-Time Password |
346 | OTS | One-Time Settlement |
347 | PACS | Primary Agricultural Credit Societies |
348 | PAN | Permanent Account Number |
349 | PBS | Projected Balance Sheet |
350 | PBT | Profit Before Tax |
351 | PC | Participation Certificate |
352 | PCA | Prompt Corrective Action |
353 | PCARDB | Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank |
354 | PCDs | Partly Convertible Debentures |
355 | PDO | Public Debt Office |
356 | PEP | Personal Equity Plans |
357 | PF | Provident Fund |
358 | PFls | Public Financial Institutions |
359 | PFRDA | Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority |
360 | PGS | Payment Gateway System. |
361 | PIN | Personal Identification Number |
362 | PIO | People of Indian Origin |
363 | PIS | Portfolio Investment Scheme |
364 | PKI | Public Key Infrastructure |
365 | PLIs | Prime Lending Institutions |
366 | PLP | Potential Linked Plan |
367 | PLR | Prime Lending Rate |
368 | PMLA | Prevention of Money Laundering Act |
370 | P-Notes | Participatory Notes |
371 | POA | Power of Attorney |
372 | PoS | Point of Sale |
373 | PPF | Public Provident Fund |
374 | PPIs | Prepaid Payment Instruments |
375 | PRSF | Partial Risk Sharing Facility |
376 | PSBs | Public Sector Banks |
377 | PTCs | Pass-Through Certificates |
378 | QIB | Qualified Institutional Bankers |
379 | QIP | Qualified Institutional Placement |
380 | QIS | Quantitative Impact Study |
381 | RAROC | Risk-Adjusted Return On Capital |
382 | RBI | Reserve Bank of India |
383 | RBS | Royal Bank of Scotland. |
384 | RCF | Risk Capital Foundation |
385 | RCI | Refinance Corporation For Industry |
386 | RDBMS | Relational Database Management System |
387 | RDDBFI | Recovery of Debt due to Banks and Financial Institutions |
388 | REC | Rural Electrification Corporation |
389 | REPOS | Ready Forward Contracts |
390 | RFC | Resident Foreign Currency |
391 | RFID | Radio Frequency Identification |
392 | RIDF | Rural Infrastructure Development Fund |
393 | RML | Reverse Mortgage Loan |
394 | RNBCs | Residuary Non-Banking Companies |
395 | RoA | Return On Assets |
396 | ROC | Registration of Companies |
397 | RoE | Return On Equity |
398 | RRB | Regional Rural Bank. |
399 | RRBs | Regional Rural Banks |
400 | RTGS | Real Time Gross Settlement System. |
401 | RWA | Risk Weighted Assets |
402 | SACs | Settlement Advisory Committees |
403 | SAMIS | Strategic Asset Management Information System |
404 | SARFAES | Securities and Reconstruction of Financial and Enforcement of Security Interest |
405 | SARFAESI | Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest |
406 | SBI | State Bank of India |
407 | SCB | Scheduled Commercial Bank |
408 | SCC | Selective Credit Control. |
409 | SDBS | Service Discharge Benefit Scheme |
410 | SDR | Special Drawing Rights |
411 | SDS | Special Deposit Scheme |
412 | SEBI | Securities and Exchange Board of India |
413 | SEPA | Single Euro Payment Area. |
414 | SEPUP | Self-Employment Programme For Urban Poor |
415 | SEZs | Special Economic Zones |
416 | SFCs | State Financial Corporations |
417 | SFMS | Structured Financial Messaging Services |
418 | SGB | Sovereign Gold Bond |
419 | SGSY | Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana |
420 | SHG | Self Help Group |
421 | SHGs | Self-Help Groups |
422 | SIDBI | Small Industries And Development Bank Of India. |
423 | SIDC | State Industrial Development Corporation |
424 | SIFI | Systematically Important Financial Intermediaries |
425 | SIM | Subscriber Identity Module |
426 | Sip | Systematic Investment Plans |
427 | SIPS | Systemically Important Payment System |
428 | SJSRY | Swarna Jayanthi Shahari Rozgar Yojana |
429 | SLBC | State-Level Bankers’ Committee |
430 | SLR | Statutory Reserve Ratio |
431 | SLRS | Scheme for Liberation and Rehabilitation of Scavengers |
432 | SME | Small and Medium Industries |
433 | SMERA | SME Rating Agency of India Limited |
434 | SMILE | SIDBI Make in India Loan for small Enterprises |
435 | SPNS | Shared Payment Network System. |
436 | SPOM | Self-Programmable One-Chip Microcomputer |
437 | Spy | Special Purpose Vehicle |
438 | SSI | Small Scale Industries |
439 | SSIDC | State Small Industries Development Corporation |
440 | SSls | Small Scale Industries |
441 | SSSBE | Small Scale Service and Business Enterprises |
442 | STD | Short Term Deposit |
443 | STF | Short-Term Finance |
444 | STP | Straight -Through Processing |
445 | SW IFT | Society For Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication |
446 | SWIFT | Society For World Wide Inter Bank Financial Telecommunication. |
447 | T/T | Telegraphic Transfer |
448 | TAN | Transaction Number/Tax Deduction Account Number |
449 | TCS | Tata Consultancy Services |
450 | TDF | Technical Development Fund |
451 | TDICI | Technology Development and Information Company of India Limited |
452 | TDS | Tax Deducted at Source |
453 | TIEA | Tax Information and Exchange Agreement |
454 | TIN | Tax Information Network |
455 | UBB | Uniform Balance Book |
456 | UBD | Urban Banks Department |
457 | UBI | United Bank of India |
458 | UBIN | Unique Business Identification Number |
459 | UCB | Urban Cooperative Bank. |
460 | UCN | Uniform Code Number |
461 | UCNs | Uniform Code Numbers |
462 | UEBA | Universal Electronic Bank Account. |
463 | UIC | Unique Identification Code |
464 | UIDAI | Unique Identification Authority of India |
465 | UPI | Unified Payments Interface |
466 | UPIN | Unique Property Identification Numbers. |
467 | USB | Ultra Small Branch. |
468 | USD | United States Dollar. |
469 | USSD | Unstructured Supplementary Service Data |
470 | UTI | Unit Trust of India |
471 | VCFs | Venture Capital Funds |
472 | VCP | Village Credit Plan |
473 | VDBS | Vertically Differentiated Banking System. |
474 | VPA | Virtual Payment Address |
475 | VRS | Voluntary Retirement Scheme |
476 | VUB | Vseobecmi Uverova Banka |
477 | WAN | Wide Area Network |
478 | WBCIS | Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme. |
479 | WCDL | Working Capital Demand Loan |
480 | WCTL | Working Capital Term Loan |
481 | WL ATM | White Label ATM. |
482 | WMA | Ways and Means Advances |
483 | WOS | Wholly Owned Subsidiary |
484 | WPI | Wholesale Price Index |
485 | WWW | World Wide Web |
486 | YTM | Yield to Maturity |