CSS resize Property

The resize property defines if (and how) an element is resizable by the user.

This CSS property allows the user to control the resizing of an element just by clicking or dragging the bottom right corner of the element

This CSS property is used to define how an element is resizable by the user. It doesn't apply on the block or inline elements where overflow is set to visible. So, to control the resizing of an element, we have to set the overflow other than visible like (overflow: hidden or overflow: scroll).

It is possible to resize the elements either in a horizontal or vertical direction or in both directions. After applying the resize property to an element, we can see a small triangular knob at the bottom right corner of the element. The user can drag the knob to enlarge the textarea in either vertical, horizontal, or in both directions.

div {
  resize: both;
  overflow: auto;

Property values

The property values of this CSS property are defined as follows:

none: It is the default value of this property, which does not allow resizing the element.

horizontal: This value allows the user to resize the element's width. It resizes the element in a horizontal direction. There is a unidirectional horizontal mechanism for controlling the width of an element.

vertical: It allows the user to resize the height of an element. It resizes the element in a vertical direction. There is a unidirectional vertical mechanism for controlling the height of an element.

both: It allows the user to resize the width and height of an element. It resizes the element in both horizontal and vertical directions.

initial: It sets the property to default value.

inherit: It inherits the property from its parent element.

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