What is the Full Form of ELF ?

Extremely Low Frequency    >>   Electronics

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E-L Financial Corporation, Limited    >>   Toronto Stock Exchange
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Extremely Low Frequency     >>   Amateur Radio

Extremely Low Frequency - Incredibly low recurrence (Mythical person) alludes to the electromagnetic radiation with frequencies going from 3 Hz to 300 Hz. This kind of radiation isn't regularly known or concentrated on by the overall population, yet it has been a subject of interest for researchers and specialists because of its expected consequences for living organic entities and correspondence technologies.ELF waves are created by normal sources like lightning strikes and the World's attractive field, as well as by human-made sources, for example, electrical cables and military correspondence frameworks. Because of their long frequencies, Mythical person waves can enter profound into the Earth and water, making them valuable for submarine correspondence systems.However, the impacts of Mythical being radiation on living organic entities have been a reason to worry. A few examinations propose that openness to Mythical person radiation can cause medical issues, for example, malignant growth, safe framework problems, and even changes in conduct and mood.

The investigation of Mythical person radiation started during the 1950s when scientists found that submarine correspondence frameworks had the option to communicate messages over significant distances utilizing Mythical person waves. The US Naval force was quick to foster a Mythical person correspondence framework during the 1960s, which was utilized to speak with submarines at sea.In the 1970s, the impacts of Mythical being radiation on living creatures turned into a subject of interest for researchers. A few examinations recommended that openness to Mythical person radiation could cause changes in conduct and state of mind, while different investigations connected Mythical person radiation to disease and other wellbeing problems.Despite these worries, the US military kept on utilizing Mythical being correspondence frameworks, and power organizations started to introduce high-voltage electrical cables that delivered Mythical being radiation.In the 1990s, the US Natural Security Office (EPA) grouped Mythical being radiation as a "potential human cancer-causing agent," and a few nations, including Sweden and Switzerland, put forth stricter lines on Mythical person exposure.