What is the Full Form of GATT ?

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade    >>    Standards

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade    >>   Transportation
General Agreement To Talk And Talk    >>   Chat
General Agreement to Talk and Talk    >>   Funnies
Groot Akris Tafeltennis Toernooi    >>   Environmental
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade    >>   Media
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade    >>   United Nations
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade    >>   US Government
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade    >>   Ocean Science
Grand Adventures Tour and Travel Publications    >>   NASDAQ Symbols
Go After Tariffs And Taxes    >>   Funnies
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade     >>   Veterinary
General Agricultural Tax Treaty    >>   Funnies
A Global Arrangement For Tax Treaties    >>   Academic Degrees

Gentlemens Agreement To Talk And Talk    >>   Unclassified
Acordul General Pentru Tarife Si Comert    >>   Romanian
 Assisted Turnoff Thyristor    >>   NASA
God Activates Tornadoes and Tulip growth    >>   Funnies
Global Anti Tarrif Treaty    >>   Unclassified
General Agreement on Tariff and Trade    >>   British Medicine
General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade    >>   US Government 

Gold Assessment Trade Tax    >>   Stock Exchange           

General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade    >>   FDA