What is the Full Form of GLO ?

General Land Office    >>   Departments & Agencies

General Learner Outcome    >>   Educational

Global module in Basic programs    >>   File Extensions

Goddesses Love Oranges    >>   Funnies

Global Ocean Carriers, LTD.     >>   AMEX Symbols

Auxiliary for for glossary     >>   File Extensions

Gloucester, England    >>   Transportation

Gloucester/ Cheltenham, England, UK    >>   Airport Codes

Gunnery Liaison Officer    >>   Military

General Land Office    >>   US Government

GCA (GAC Corporate Academy) Liaison Officer    >>   Occupation & Positions

Great Lakes Official    >>   Sports

Government Land Office    >>   State & Local

Ground Liaison Officer    >>   Military

Get the Lead Out    >>   Military               

Ground Logistics Operations    >>   NASA

Glacial Lake Outburst    >>   Ocean Science

General Lubricating Oil    >>   Products

Gross Lowood Out    >>   Funnies

Gualacol-Linoleic acid hydroperoxide Oxidoreductase    >>   Human Genome

GVN (Government of VietNam) Liaison Officer    >>   Military

Globe Industries, Inc.     >>   AMEX Symbols

GLyOxalase    >>   Chemistry

graphic learning opportunity    >>   Unclassified

Gay Lovers Ontop    >>   Unclassified

guided light optic    >>   Unclassified

Guerrini Luigi Oerlikon    >>   Unclassified

Gym Locker Organizer    >>   Unclassified

General Learner Outcomes    >>   Unclassified
GLO Lounge Orlando    >>   Unclassified

Gloucester, Massachusetts, Seismograph station    >>   Geology

Goddard Launch Operations    >>   NASA

GraecoLatina et Orientalia    >>   Media 

Gloria    >>   Names and Nicknames

General Life Observations    >>   Unclassified

Generative Learning Objects    >>   Unclassified

Greek Lettered Organization    >>   Unclassified

Girls Living Out    >>   Unclassified

Growth & Learning Opportunity    >>   Educational