What is the Full Form of JK ?

Just Kidding    >>   chat slang

Joris Karl    >>   Names and Nicknames
James Kenneth    >>   Unclassified
Jim King    >>   Famous
Juz Kiddin    >>   Chat
Just Kidding!     >>   Chat
Just Kidding    >>   Texting
Just Keep    >>   Texting
Jedi Knight    >>   Science Fiction
John Kerry    >>   Famous
Joanne Kathleen        >>   Names and Nicknames              

Jack Kirby    >>   Unclassified                                     
Jackie Kennedy    >>   Famous
Joanne Katherine    >>   Unclassified
Jedi Kyle    >>   Unclassified
Juliana Korver    >>   Unclassified
Jedi Kenobi    >>   Unclassified
Centro de Formación Profesional para la Mujer Junkabal    >>   Guatemalan
Juha Kujala    >>   Unclassified
Jonathan Kimball    >>   Unclassified
The Johnson And Kuby    >>   Unclassified
Jason Katims    >>   Unclassified
Jalan Kayu    >>   Unclassified
Jacksonville Field Office    >>   FBI Files
Jiminy Kricket    >>   Chat
Jordan And Kelly    >>   Unclassified
Janine Karen    >>   Names and Nicknames
Jessie Kelt    >>   Unclassified
Jillion Karat    >>   Unit Measures
Jack And Krash    >>   Unclassified
Jonathan Kovacs    >>   Unclassified
Jaded Krew    >>   Unclassified
J K    >>   Unclassified
Just Keys    >>   Unclassified
Jusuf Kalla    >>   Unclassified
Jersey Kat    >>   Unclassified                                    
Junior Knidergarten    >>   Unclassified
Jenia Kalenykh    >>   Unclassified
James Kesson    >>   Unclassified
Jamaicas Kid    >>   Unclassified
Jordanian Kinrick    >>   Unclassified
Jonathan Kafri    >>   Unclassified
jam keep    >>   Unclassified
Joke    >>   Funnies
Joking    >>   Chat
Janus kinase    >>   Physiology   

Junior Kindergarten    >>   Unclassified
Jamie Kennedy    >>   Unclassified
Jack Kerouac    >>   Unclassified

Just Kick    >>   Unclassified