What is the Full Form of Mbps ?

"MBps" stands for Megabytes Per Second

"Mbps" stands for Megabits Per Second

Note: “B” and “b” are different. i.e 'B' for “Byte” and 'b' for “bit”

"Mbps" or "MBps" are used to measure the internet speed or data transmission speed across a device, such as a Hard Disk Drive. The speed is usually measured in terms of bit or byte per second. The speed can be measured in terms of bps, Kbps, Mbps or Gbps:

  • Kbps - Thousands of bits per second (1000 bits/sec)
  • Mbps - Millions of bits per second (1,000,000 bits/sec)
  • Gbps - Billions of bits per second (1,000,000,000 bits/sec)