What is the Full Form of PAM ?

Pamphlet    >>   Stationery

Pulse Amplitude Modulation    >>   Telecom
Pulse Amplitude Modulation    >>   Networking
Pulse Amplitude Modulation    >>   NASA
Pluggable Authentication Modules    >>   Unclassified
Pampanga    >>   Language Codes
Pamphlet    >>   Military
Pluggable Authentication Module    >>   Security
Pluggable Authentication Module    >>   General
Pulse Amplitude Modulation    >>   Military
Plugable Authentication Modules    >>   Unclassified
Programmable Active Memory    >>   General
Painted Apple Moth    >>   Unclassified
Penetration Augmented Munition    >>   Military
Power Assisted Micro    >>   Unclassified
Project Ares Mod    >>   Unclassified
Policy Analysis Market    >>   Unclassified
Pregnancy After Miscarriage    >>   Physiology
Port to Application Mapping    >>   Networking
Partitioned Access Method    >>   General
Process Application Module    >>   Electronics
Portable Authentication Module    >>   Networking
Patricia Anne May    >>   Unclassified
Professional Audience Member    >>   Occupation & Positions
Port Address Mapping    >>   Networking
Port Adapter Module    >>   Networking
Pittsburgh Allegheny and McKees Rocks Railroad Company    >>   Railroads
Peripheral Adapter Module    >>   Transportation
Prayer And Miracles    >>   Religion
Prediction Analysis Of Microarrays    >>   Unclassified
Percent of Accepted Mutations    >>   Human Genome
Project Account Management    >>   Unclassified
Promote Advertise Market    >>   General
Procurement Aircraft and Missiles    >>   Military
Prototype Algorithmic Module    >>   Unclassified
Professionalism Articulation Motivation    >>   General
Pamela    >>   Unclassified
Portland Art Museum    >>   Unclassified
pledged asset mortgage    >>   Unclassified
Pluggable Authentication    >>   Unclassified
Project Adjusting Mcm    >>   Unclassified
A Physically Active Mile    >>   Unclassified
Programmable Advanced Mathematics    >>   Unclassified
Prediction Analysis for Microarrays    >>   Unclassified
Point Accepted Mutations    >>   Unclassified
Perfumes and more    >>   Unclassified
Pulse Amplitude Modulated    >>   Unclassified
Public Awareness and Marketing    >>   Unclassified
Personal Authentication Message    >>   Unclassified
Power Assisted Microprocessor    >>   General
Pregnant Addicted Mother    >>   Law
Perks and Mini    >>   Unclassified
potential acuity meter    >>   Unclassified
Player Appreciation Month    >>   Unclassified
Payload Assist Module    >>   NASA
Pledged Account Mortgage    >>   Mortgage
Pesticide Analytical Manual    >>   FDA
Poly-AcrylaMide    >>   Construction
Physical Asset Management    >>   General
Preventive and Aerospace Medicine    >>   Military
Perceptual Anchoring Module    >>   Unclassified
Player Appreciaton Month    >>   Unclassified
Product of Arthur Meyerhof    >>   Food
Pulse Amplifier Modulation    >>   NASA
Passage Material    >>   Military
Pro-AMS U.S.Trust    >>   Toronto Stock Exchange
Postapproval Monitoring    >>   Veterinary
percent accepted mutation    >>   British Medicine
performing arts medicine    >>   British Medicine
phenylalanine mustard    >>   British Medicine
pralidoximine methiodide    >>   British Medicine
primary acquired melanosis    >>   British Medicine
professions allied to medicine    >>   British Medicine
pulmonary alveolar macrophage    >>   British Medicine
pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis    >>   British Medicine
Project Administration Manual    >>   General    

primary amoebic meningoencephalitis    >>   British Medicine
physical activity monitor    >>   Physiology
perception-action mechanism    >>   Physiology
Parents Against Molesters    >>   British Medicine

penicillin aluminium monostearate    >>   British Medicine