What is the Full Form of PIC ?

Peripheral Interface Controllers    >>   Electronics

Partner In Crime    >>   FBI Files
Prior Informed Consent    >>   Law
Pilot In Command    >>   Military
Platform for Content    >>   General
Partner In Crime    >>   Law
Person In Charge    >>   Military
Paid In Capital    >>   General
Private Industry Council    >>   Educational
Programmable Interrupt Controller    >>   General
Picture In Case    >>   Media
Pre-Initiation Complex    >>   Laboratory
Palomar Institute of Cosmetology    >>   Schools
Peripheral Interface Controller    >>   Hardware
Programmable Interrupt Controller    >>   Drivers
Position Independent Code    >>   Software
Primary Interexchange Carrier    >>   Telecom
Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention    >>   Hospitals
Physical Interface Card    >>   Hardware
Physical Interface Card    >>   Networking
Pig Improvement Company    >>   Firms
Programmable Integrated Circuit    >>   Electronics
Pre-Inquiry Change    >>   Law
Pinchot Institute for Conservation    >>   Non-Profit Organizations
Punctate Inner Choroidopathy    >>   Physiology
Punctate Inner Choroiditis    >>   Laboratory
PowerShares Dynamic Insurance    >>   NYSE Symbols
Pre Ike Credential    >>   US Government
Macintosh black & white PICT1 or color PICT2 file    >>   File Extensions
Public Interest Clearinghouse    >>   Firms
Personal Injury Collision    >>   Law
Professional Interest Committee    >>   Occupation & Positions
Pine Cay, Turks & Caicos Islands    >>   Airport Codes
Peripherally Inserted Catheter    >>   Hospitals
Project Information Center    >>   General
Plan Inclusive Counterplan    >>   Military
Polyethylene Insulated Cable    >>   Hardware
Parent Involvement Committee    >>   Educational
PIXAR picture file    >>   File Extensions
Piccadilly Cafeterias, Inc.     >>   NYSE Symbols
Public Interest Committee    >>   US Government
Parent Indicator Code    >>   Military
Professionals In Crisis    >>   Firms
Persistence In Combat    >>   Military
Polite In Class    >>   Educational
Pollution Identification And Correction    >>   Environmental
Pictorial Inventory of Careers    >>   Occupation & Positions
Pictor page format    >>   File Extensions
Professional Instruction Center    >>   Educational
Pioneer Involvement Center    >>   Colleges & Universities
Programmable Interrupt Controller    >>   Hardware
Punch Invalid Character    >>   Assembly
Precision Ion Chamber    >>   Physics
Preferred Interstate Carrier    >>   Transportation
Position Idependent Code    >>   Security
Purchase, Integration, and Completion    >>   General
Picture    >>   Photography
Portable Imaging Computer    >>   General
Personal Information Connection    >>   Occupation & Positions
Preliminary Interfaces Certification    >>   Military
Participant Identification Code    >>   Unclassified
Productivity and Innovation Credit    >>   Unclassified
Personal Instant Communications    >>   Telecom
Pioneers In Control    >>   Military
PC Paint image format    >>   Electronics
Programmable Integrated Circuit    >>   Hardware
PICSs    >>   Unclassified
Pacific Islands Club    >>   Unclassified
PIH Information Center    >>   Unclassified
Precision Induction Cooktop    >>   Unclassified
Productivity Innovation Credit    >>   Unclassified
Pacific Islanders in Communications    >>   Unclassified
Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention    >>   FDA
Pyrotechnic Initiator Controller    >>   NASA
Pyro Initiator Capacitor    >>   NASA
Priest in Charge    >>   Unclassified
Phone and Cable    >>   Unclassified
Predesignated Interexchange Carrier    >>   Unclassified
Public Information Committee    >>   Unclassified
Pyro Ignition Control    >>   NASA
Programmable Interval Clock    >>   NASA
Pre-Installation Checkout    >>   NASA
Pace, P.L.C.     >>   London Stock Exchange
Premium Income Corporation    >>   Toronto Stock Exchange
Pichai  Company    >>   Firms
Police Information Check    >>   Police
Public Information Centre    >>   Environmental

Payload Integration Committee    >>   NASA
Payload Integration Center    >>   NASA
Pharmacist In Charge    >>   Occupation & Positions
Payment In Cash    >>   Military
Person Identification Code    >>   Military

Press Information Center    >>   Military

Programmable Integrated Circuit - At their center, Programmable Integrated Circuits are electronic devices comprising a large number of interconnected components, including transistors, common sense gates, and reminiscence cells, fabricated on a unmarried semiconductor substrate. What distinguishes them from conventional ICs is their inherent programmability, which permits users to configure their functionality post-fabrication, thereby adapting them to a wide range of programs.

The architecture of Programmable Integrated Circuits varies depending on the specific kind and purpose. However, they normally consist of configurable common sense blocks (CLBs), interconnects, and enter/output (I/O) interfaces. CLBs function the constructing blocks of capability, housing arrays of good judgment gates, turn-flops, and other factors that can be programmed to carry out preferred operations.Interconnects facilitate conversation among CLBs and other additives within the IC, allowing the routing of alerts and statistics among distinctive parts of the circuit. Meanwhile, I/O interfaces provide connections to outside gadgets, allowing the IC to interact with its surroundings.

There are several forms of Programmable Integrated Circuits, each tailor-made to particular programs and necessities:

Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs): FPGAs are a few of the maximum flexible and extensively used sorts of programmable ICs. They consist of an array of configurable logic blocks interconnected by way of programmable routing assets. FPGAs are perfect for prototyping, speedy improvement, and applications requiring excessive ranges of pliability and customization.

Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs): CPLDs are characterised through their tremendously smaller size and less difficult structure in comparison to FPGAs. They generally function a lower range of logic blocks however provide quicker operation and lower electricity consumption, making them nicely-suitable for programs with unique timing requirements.

Programmable System-on-Chip (PSoC): PSoCs integrate programmable logic with other device additives, along with microcontrollers, analog peripherals, and memory, onto a single chip. This integration permits quite included and customizable answers for packages ranging from IoT devices to embedded structures.

Programmable Analog ICs: While programmable ICs are often associated with virtual good judgment, there are also programmable analog ICs that allow users to configure analog circuits and functions. These devices offer flexibility in designing analog signal processing, filtering, and manipulate structures.

Looking ahead, the future of Programmable Integrated Circuits appears promising, with persisted innovation and enlargement into new utility areas. Emerging technology, including quantum computing, neuromorphic computing, and silicon photonics, are poised to further reshape the landscape of programmable ICs, unlocking new opportunities for computation, communication, and sensing.Moreover, as the call for for custom designed, software-precise answers grows, programmable ICs are expected to play an an increasing number of crucial position in permitting rapid prototyping, product differentiation, and model to evolving marketplace trends.

Programmable Integrated Circuits constitute a cornerstone of modern electronics, offering remarkable flexibility, performance, and capability throughout a diverse variety of packages. With ongoing improvements in era and layout methodologies, those flexible additives are poised to maintain riding innovation and shaping the future of digital computing.