What is the Full Form of RDX ?

Research Department Explosive    >>   Military

Reflex Datafile    >>   File Extensions
Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine    >>   Chemistry
Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine    >>   NASA
Research Department eXplosive    >>   Military
Royal Demolition eXplosive    >>   Military
Rapid Detonating Explosive    >>   Military           

Research and Development Xtreme    >>   General

Research Department Explosive - RDX (condensing of "Research Department eXplosive") or hexogen,among different names, is a natural compound with the equation . It is a white strong without smell or taste, broadly utilized as a dangerous. Synthetically, it is named a nitroamine close by HMX, which is a more vigorous hazardous than dynamite. It was utilized broadly in The Second Great War and stays normal in military applications.RDX is many times utilized in blends with different explosives and plasticizers or phlegmatizers (desensitizers); it is the hazardous specialist in C-4 plastic touchy. It is steady away and is viewed as one of the most vigorous and brisant of the tactical high explosives, with a general viability variable of 1.60.RDX is likewise known, however less usually, as cyclonite, hexogen (especially in Russian, French, German and German-impacted dialects), T4, and, synthetically, as cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine. During the 1930s, the Imperial Arms stockpile, Woolwich, began exploring cyclonite to use against German U-boats that were being worked with thicker structures. The objective was to foster an unstable more vigorous than dynamite. For the sake of security, England named cyclonite "Exploration Division Dangerous" (R.D.X.). The term RDX showed up in the US in 1946. The main public reference in the Unified Realm to the name RDX, or R.D.X., to utilize the authority title, showed up in 1948; its creators were the overseeing scientist, ROF Bridgwater, the substance innovative work division, Woolwich, and the overseer of Imperial Arms Processing plants, Explosives; once more, it was alluded to as essentially RDX.