What is the Full Form of RMS ?

Root Mean Square    >>   Mathematics

Rights Management Seices    >>   Drivers
Retail Management System    >>   General

Records Management System    >>   General

Root Mean Square    >>   Mathematics
Root Mean Square    >>   Ocean Science
Root Mean Square    >>   Physics              
RhabdoMyoSarcoma    >>   Oncology

Record Management System    >>   US Government
Resource Management System    >>   General
Republik Maluku Selatan    >>   Countries
Richard Matthew Stallman, activist    >>   Famous
Remote Monitoring System    >>   Transportation
Risk Management Solution    >>   General
Railway Mail Seice    >>   Transportation
Risk Management and Safety    >>   NASA
Receivables Management Solutions    >>   Accounting
Royal Mail Steamship    >>   Ship Types
Record Management Seices    >>   Firms

Remote Management Seice    >>   Networking

Riverton Middle School    >>   Schools
Race Marque Systems    >>   Sports
River Management Society    >>   Non-Profit Organizations
Reloadable Motor System    >>   Unclassified
Respiratory Monitoring System    >>   Physiology
Rouse Matrix Systems    >>   Firms
Recipe Management Standard    >>   Electronics
Rockford Middle School    >>   Schools
Reading Motivation System    >>   Educational

Rate My Signal    >>   Military

Rate My Signal    >>   Amateur Radio

Relocated Module Segment    >>   Assembly

Received Message Store    >>   Networking

Real Modulated Signal    >>   Electronics

Really Massive Ship    >>   Funnies
Resource Monitoring Subsystem    >>   Military
Receivables Management Seice    >>   Accounting
Ritenour Middle School    >>   Schools
Rageing Mammoth Society    >>   Funnies
Resolution Management System    >>   Law

Real Maximum Something    >>   Unclassified
Ramstein Airbase, Kaiserslautern, Germany    >>   Airport Codes
Ron Montris Stumped    >>   Unclassified
Resource Management Suite    >>   Unclassified
Richard M Stallman    >>   Unclassified

Roll Music Studios    >>   Firms
Resource Monitoring System    >>   Software
Reformed Mission Seices    >>   Unclassified
Rosemount Middle School    >>   Unclassified
Royal Mail Steamer    >>   Unclassified
Ratner, Miller, and Shafran Families Foundation    >>   Non-Profit Organizations

Royal  Society    >>   Hospitals
Root-Mean-Square    >>   NASA
Remote Manipulator System    >>   NASA
Rooms    >>   Housing
Review Management Staff    >>   FDA
Reliability, Maintainability, and Safety    >>   NASA
Regulatory Management System    >>   FDA

Reference Member State    >>   FDA
Redundancy Management System    >>   NASA
Random Motion Simulator    >>   NASA
Radian Means per Second    >>   NASA
Requirements Management System    >>   Military
Real Marketing Solutions    >>   Firms
Ramblewood Middle School    >>   Schools
Ramelius Resources, LTD.    >>   ASX Symbols
Records Management System    >>   Hospitals
Records Management strategy/ies    >>   General
Royal Mail Ship    >>   Transportation
Roads and Maritime Seices    >>   Transportation              

Risk Management System    >>   General
Rockcliffe Middle School    >>   Schools
Risk Management Solutions    >>   General

Records Management System    >>   General

Record Management System - Records the executives, otherwise called records and data the board, is a hierarchical capability given to the administration of data in an association all through its life cycle, from the hour of creation or receipt to its possible demeanor. This incorporates distinguishing, arranging, putting away, getting, recovering, following and obliterating or for all time safeguarding records.The ISO 15489-1: 2001 standard ("ISO 15489-1:2001") characterizes records the board as "[the] field of the executives answerable for the productive and deliberate control of the creation, receipt, upkeep, use and demeanor of records, including the cycles for catching and keeping up with proof of and data about business exercises and exchanges as records".An association's records save parts of institutional memory. In deciding how long to hold records, their ability for re-use is significant. Many are kept as proof of exercises, exchanges, and choices. Others report what occurred and why. The reason for records the board is important for an association's more extensive capability of administration, risk the executives, and consistence and is basically worried about dealing with the proof of an association's exercises as well as the decrease or alleviation of hazard related with it. Ongoing examination shows linkages between records the executives and responsibility in governance.The idea of record is differently characterized. The ISO 15489-1:2016 characterizes records as "data made, got, and kept up with as proof and as a resource by an association or individual, in quest for lawful commitments or in the exchange of business". While there are many motivations behind and advantages to records the executives, as this definition features, a critical component of records is their capacity to act as proof of an occasion. Legitimate records the board can assist with protecting this element of records.Recent and exhaustive examinations have characterized records as "determined portrayals of exercises" as recorded or made by members or eyewitnesses. This conditional view accentuates the significance of setting and cycle in the assurance and importance of records. Conversely, past definitions have stressed the evidential and enlightening properties of records. In authoritative settings, records are materials made or gotten by an association in the exchange of business, or in quest for or in consistence with lawful commitments. This authoritative meaning of record comes from the early hypothesis of chronicles as natural conglomerations of records, that is "the composed archives, drawings and printed matter, formally got or delivered by a regulatory body or one of its authorities".